Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Handbaggin' It

In high school (and several years after that I am intentionally omitting), a favorite past time of mine was known as "brown-baggin' it." If you have a single cool bone in your body, then you already know that it means walking around in public with some type of open alcoholic container in a brown paper bag. Well, those days are more or less over. These days, all I really care about are handbags. Since I am relatively broke (unless we compare my income to the global average), I spend an embarrassing amount of my free time shopping for discount designer handbags.

Often times, my searches result in only the rapid filling of online shopping carts. Shopping carts that remain filled until the virtual shopping cart boys come along and find them abandoned.

Since we are barely halfway through the year, I think it's time to start working on my new year's resolution. Next year, I promise to be far more dedicated to my online handbag shopping addiction, and to actually complete the checkout process 350% more than I do now, regardless of my financial situation.

There, now I feel much better.


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    Jessica C - westmountfashionista.com
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